Today I decided to create a blog. I think it is a desperate attempt to do something this weekend aside from illustrating. Nose to the grinder as I churn out pages for my mother's gift book (She wrote it and I'm illustrating it for my nephew). The plan is to take it with me on my next visit in two weeks, but at the rate I'm going, I will be fortunate to get all 16 pages finished let alone bound and presentable by then. Page 4 took me 12 hours yesterday. Twelve! Well, at least it should look good, and it will be a nice addition to my portfolio.
Here is part of page 4:
If I get to be the first comment on this blog, I'll be happy.
OK Johanna, please post your email address-I want to recommend you to illustrate a client's book. connie@mablesonlaw.com.